The ramblings of a serial head-shaver
@simon_sabin check this part of the BOL
Current identity value is set to the new_reseed_value. If no rows have been inserted into the table since the table was created, or if all rows have been removed by using the TRUNCATE TABLE statement, the first row inserted after you run DBCC CHECKIDENT uses new_reseed_value as the identity. Otherwise, the next row inserted uses new_reseed_value + the current increment value.
If the table is not empty, setting the identity value to a number less than the maximum value in the identity column can result in one of the following conditions:
- If a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint exists on the identity column, error message 2627 will be generated on later insert operations into the table because the generated identity value will conflict with existing values.
- If a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint does not exist, later insert operations will result in duplicate identity values.
Tri-nations time, let’s start with the action
An Afrikaner guy, an Aussie, a beautiful girl and an old woman are
The train goes through a tunnel and it gets completely dark. Suddenly there is a kissing sound and then a slap! The train comes out of the tunnel. The old woman, beautiful girl and the Afrikaner guy are sitting there
sitting in a train.
looking perplexed. The Aussie is bent over holding his face, which is
red from an apparent slap. The old woman is thinking: “That Aussie must have tried to kiss that
girl and got slapped.” The Aussie is thinking: “Damn it, that Afrikaner guy must have tried
to kiss the beautiful girl. She thought it was me and slapped me
instead.” The beautiful girl is thinking: “That Aussie must have moved to kiss
me, but kissed the old lady instead and got slapped.” The Afrikaner guy is thinking: “If this train goes through another
tunnel, I could make another kissing sound and moer that Aussie
again!” -
A few England jokes
Bloke walks into a brothel and says "I like it a bit kinky, how much for total humiliation?"
The Madam replies "£37.50" "Blimey" says the bloke "what do I get for that?" The Madam looks at him and replies "an England shirt"
——————————————————————————- All future televised England matches have been moved to the gay adult channel, as the sight of 11 arseholes getting hammered for 90 minutes was far too explicit for terrestrial tv.
Oxo have brought out a new cube with white foil and a red cross on it. It is called "laughing stock".
England will not be wearing the 3 lions on their shirts for their next match. They will be sporting 3 tampons: to represent the worst period in their history. -